File Founded in 1998, Topsin Investments is a family-owned company based in Luxembourg, member of the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce.

File Topsin is a long-term owner that is committed to active management and development of its participations. Topsin runs a diversified multi-asset class portfolio, investing globally in equities and fixed income as well as private equity and real estate, and conducting active short-term trading with publicly listed securities.

File Topsin is also involved in farming and agriculture as well as real estate and construction sectors.


Our mission is steady asset growth and stable and competitive risk-adjusted performance in the long run. In order to achieve this, we actively own our participations and are involved in their development. We strive for positive performance over business cycles.

Consequently, our long-term and active ownership gives an attractive yield in the long run. We analyse potential project searching for fair pricing, attractive terms and the potential to produce strong risk-adjusted returns.

An important part of our strategy is also to maintain active short-term trading with securities in order to counterbalance the long-term investments.

“We have a long-term and active ownership philosophy.“

We excel in identifying global investment trends and themes, excellent companies and efficient products that fit our long-term targets. Topsin often collaborates with its related companies Corbis, Palatum Investments, Okawango and Fennogens Investments.


PHOTO We keep a high ethical standard in all our investments and undertakings. We are professionals and act accordingly and create value in everything we do with a long-term horizon. We are committed to improving our investment methodology, processes and performance.

PHOTO Our activities are driven by our ESG policy, integrating environment, social and governance issues into our processes.

PHOTO Topsin Investments supports the C. Ehrnrooth Foundation sheltered by
La Fondation de Luxembourg.




Alexandre Labignette - CEO

8a, Boulevard Joseph II
L-1840 Luxembourg
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Phone: 00352 2609 4986